Rutherford Head Success

Finally the weather gods smiled upon us and we had our first (and last) race of the first third of the 2023/2024 season - Rutherford Head.

Our annual trip up to Newcastle-upon-Tyne to race at the top northern head race before Christmas is always a target for the club, and this year was no exception. In a slight change from previous years, the seniors focused on quads and fours instead of eights, but the juniors decided to make their own mark by entering a junior eight into a head race for the first ever time, alongside a strong contingent of fours and quads.

This years Rutherford was flat calm, but while the tide was benevolent, the temperature was harsh with sub-zero temperatures and a good layer of snow from previous days heavy snowfall (chipping ice off riggers and blades was the order of the day!).

But while the weather was freezing, the racing was red hot! Up against the top crews from Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle Universities, plus club crews from Tyne, Molesey, Durham and York, the club put in it’s best ever performance at Rutherford with the following results.


  • Op 8+ (Band 6) - WIN

  • WJ16 4x (Band 2) - WIN

  • WJ16 4x (Band 1) - 2nd

  • J16 4+ (J15’s racing up a year) - 3rd

  • J16 4x (Band 2) - 3rd


  • W4x (Band 3) - WIN

  • W4+ (Band 3) - WIN

  • W4+ (Band 2) - 4th

  • Op 4x (Band 2) - WIN

  • Op 4+ (Band 3) - 2nd


  • W Mas 4x - 4th

This was our most successful Rutherford Head ever, the first time we had ever had a junior eight win a head race, and our senior men’s coxed four was one of the highest placing crews of the day in a fiercely contested coxed fours category.

A huge well done to all of the athletes for braving the conditions, thanks to Leeds University for towing, and to Cross Keys Garage for the continued support this season with free towing vehicles. Finally a special thanks to Tyne Amateur Rowing Club for their hospitality and to their support on the day to our members.


Christmas Pudding Head and Club Dinner finishes off 2023!


(Not the) York Small Boats Head