Henley Royal Regatta 2023

The serious end of the racing reached it’s finale for the season with Henley Royal Regatta.

This season we had two crews successfully qualify for Henley Royal Regatta. Our men’s eight qualified for the Thames Challenge Cup for the third successive year and we again had a composite crew from Leeds RC and the University of York in the Double Sculls.

While this year both crews had to go through the qualifiers, both qualified comfortably in their events.

The Thames Cup Eight were up against strong opposition on the Wednesday racing D.R.C Hannover from Germany who were one of the top domestic German crews and on the Friday the Double Sculls crew of Cory and Ben from University of York BC were against the Spanish national double sculls crew.

Both crews raced hard, but were overcome by excellent opposition. Once again though, Leeds Rowing Club were the only Yorkshire open club to successfully qualify a crew for Henley Royal Regatta cementing our place as the best rowing centre in Yorkshire for senior rowing.

A huge thanks to all of our supporters, the coaching team and also a special thanks to Newcastle University/Tyne Rowing Club for trailering our boats to the regatta.


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